Budget hotels at base camp Moshi town tourist city at slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro

Information about cheap hotels in Moshi is useful to help planning Mount Kilimanjaro climbing trips.Budget of Kilimanjaro tour can be influenced by cost of Hotel at base camp Kilimanjaro slopes in Moshi. How much does it cost climbing Kilimanjaro?

List of budget tourist hotels recommended in Moshi

Best time to climb Mount Kilimanjaro and Safaris, read about travel deals

Zebra hotel in Moshi, room rate is between 20 US $ per person Sharing on B/B or 30 US $ Single room.

Why Zebra hotel?

Room rate is cheap, hotel has multi cuisine restaurant, has Free WIFI, has Bar and parking lot.

Zebra hotel rooms are spacious, en suite with toilet and cold/warm water shower

Comfortable lobby to seat and talk

Hotel is near Hiking gears store, Supermarkets, ATMs and Mountaineering first AID tools

Travel tips and booking information are provided by Kilimanjaro Tanzanite Safaris Co.Ltd. Get travel tips about Kilimanjaro trails, health travel tips, trekking gears, Kilimanjaro menu options etc Contact us:

Email: info@kili-tanzanitesafaris.com

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